What is HIFU?
The UltraWon, a non-invasive High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) portable treatment system for skin rejuvenation and lifting.
As the ageing process begins, our skin loses collagen and elastin, which causes the skin to become loose or sag.
The HIFU procedure can be used as a preventative measure or to treat an existing problem, to lift the face and tighten the neck.

Using the ultrasound cartridges, HIFU delivers thermal energy at 3 different skin depths (1.5mm, 3mm and 4.5mm).
It encourages the skin to rejuvenate through reproduction of collagen and a noticeable tightening is seen.

All HIFU treatments are not created equal. There are other, non medical grade systems on the market but they don’t deliver the deep 4.5mm penetration into the SMAS layer.
One of the greatest benefits of this treatment is the lack of downtime. The treatment only takes around 1 hour and leaves you with an initial tightening and lifting effect that builds over a period of approximately 12 weeks.
HIFU is widely accepted as the best alternative to a facelift and a very viable option for many people in their late 30, 40, 50s and even 60s.

Treatment areas:
Eye Area
Lower Face
Jaw Line

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